Online spot for real stickers

Hi street people,
this is an online spot for every nice sticker. This is the collection for inspiration. Art, Music, Sport, Ideas and Fun, Shopping or small businesess. If you have your own promo sticker, click on button Paste UP. 
This is world wide collection. Show us your project and we will promote you for our colorful audience. Here is the right space for you.
And if you see a nice sticker on the street, make a photo and send it to us as well.

Mystickerwall is a marketing tool that transfers the uniqueness of the street to the online space.
If you are uploading a random sticker from a street, will be published as !!! WANTED !!! first.
WANTED STICKERS is new category for stickers waiting to by identify. Check it out. Maybe yours is there too 😉

We always and immediately inform the owner of the uploaded sticker with brief information about exposing the sticker in to the collection. !!! Wanted !!! stickers are collectors items and we are looking for the authors. We respect your copyrights and do not attempt to infringe on it in any way. This is our positive contribution to stickers and sticker culture at all. This is presentation of interesting projects. Our goal is to brighten your day with cool collection, no make you furious, because your copy rights. Our marketing is based on you, creative local people of this global world and stickers are just way, how we can find you and connect for good thing.

Censouring of stickers!
All stickers spotted on a streets by us are collectors items with some history. Every sticker has its own story and place where, and by who, was found by.
Anyway we accept the censouring by authors for good reason.
If your sticker was placed by you, will be your sticker disabled and deleted as soon as possible. Just write us number of your sticker or direct link to your sticker to e -mail: Subject: Delete. If your sticker was spotted, write please Why!?

This is collection of beautiful stickers by creative people. Stickers that link to sites with sexual, political, gambling, pharmaceutical or other extremist content violating any rights and freedoms will be published without URL or won’t be published at all. Stickers with vulgar visual will not by published at all.
If a link from some sticker in the collection lead you to a page with such a content, we’d appreciate it if you let us know.
!!NOTE!! Mystickerwall is not responsible for the content and changes of third party on websites behind links published in this collection.

Every sticker is some project. Mystickerwall is not only collection, but marketing tool as well. Do you want more views, likes, sharings, folowers, reviews ….? New audience? Real people? Support your sticker and move in to sponsored stickers area. For stickers in the collection for 4,99€. Use “Support” button in detail of your sticker.
Promotion is automatic for each new applied sticker.

Peter & Jana – lovers of stickers

- Mix of the best rated stickers -

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